http://www.wretch.cc/blog/spiderlily (the website) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1E33Au8OPs (watch in advance!)
Today I went to watch a movie made by Taiwan, Spider Lily. You may think it’s a movie about lesbians. Yes, that’s true. The leading roles are two lesbians, Bamboo and Little Green, but so what? It doesn’t matter. The main role in this movie, in my opinion, is this movie’s title, the tattoo, Spider Lily on Bamboo’s arm. I like the meaning of tattoo in this movie. The tattoo bears the sorrow of loosing her family, the sadness of her brother forgetting her, and the compression of love. Little Green wants to have tattoo and chance on her first love, Bamboo. We can see how the tattoos mean for the roles in the movie and how the tattoos influence and change them. Hey, It‘s worthy to see, so I won’t tell you the end! Go to see it! ^^
I can not tolerate Hollywood type movies. Hollywood likes to talk about main stream values, such as western view to see this world. I fad up with it!!! That’s why recent years, I have fell in love with domestic movies from past to the newest movies. You might not forget that in The Dull-ice Flower(魯冰花), how angelical the children are, and how ugly the adults are. Also, in The Wayward Cloud(天邊一朵雲), the director, Ming-liang Tsai, who has direct many meaningful movies, shows the human’s lonesome and use the imagine of water symbolizing the materialized humans. I have seen many domestic movie, like A City of Sadness(悲情城市), Let It Be(無米樂), Eternal Summer(盛夏光年), and so on. I like the ideas in these movies. Maybe the ideas might not the same, but they are clearly next to our life. We could enjoy them easily. Furthermore, recently, these movies have mixed with art! The art is like a shower of rain in time while a drought!
Watching movie can bring stimulations and something to be thought in our plain life. However, we can’t fell in the story and day-dream and forget ourselves. Like the plot in the Spider Lily, “You always choose to remember your past instead of forgetting it?” said Bamboo, and Little Green said ”Yes, and I believe it.”
You scared me!!!
TWO Young bare girl appeared!!
It's quite a shock~~
I a little dizzy now~
I don't like Hollywoodish film or the recent movie Taiwan make, because there are surrounded by the same topic...
Movies should be aboudent and has diversifacation I think.
To Hawkeye:
The picture shocks me every time when I open this website ;p
But, don't you think it's delicious? Ha! Ha!! XDDD
I like the poster! I think good movies are worth us to think more and more.
Yeah, in fact, we should know more angels of this world. Don't limit our eye sight in the main stream or in the same topic.
I love the film made by europe too. I think the most important of all is the art and the concept it want to express.
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